
April 15th, 2022

復活節就要到了,全家該去哪裡撿蛋呢?4月16日下午 2-4pm法拉盛將有一場由”Hello Taiwan” 「喂台灣」 所舉辦,非常富有意義的復活節彩蛋慈善尋寶活動,讓全家不但一起慶祝復活節,同時還可以做公益!今年復活節特邀幾位台美裔兒童表演, 此外透過本次活動所有的盈餘及募款都將捐助給(烏克蘭人道主義救濟) (2021 年 12 月龍捲風侵襲)

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美東中文學校協會第六區 恢復舉辦國語歌唱比賽

March 29th, 2022

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Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company Announces The Bridge: Virtual Dance Institute of Boundary-Breaking Dance Experiences Free One-Hour Company Classes on Zoom

March 28th, 2022

In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, the Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company has established a new dance institute through Zoom, The Bridge.  

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