
September 10th, 2019

AsianInNY (亞洲人在紐約) 是紐約首屈一指的跨多元文化和娛樂的資訊分享平臺。AsianInNY將於2019年9月14日星期六下午3:00pm 在「陳錦芳文化館」( 地址: 335 West 35th Street, NY) 舉辦11週年時裝秀, 演出陣容強大, 是一個結合時尚與文化藝術的精緻饗, 強烈呈現亞洲風是AsianInNY時裝秀活動最大的特色並且是紐約的唯一! [Read More]

GOOD MAKER Sponsors New York Fashion Week

September 3rd, 2019

GOOD MAKER is a professional biotechnology brand for hair and scalp care, and it’s the world’s first series of hair products that are made with aesthetic medical ingredients.  GOOD MAKER is proud to sponsor New York Fashion Week, one of the most talked-about fashion events of the year, and will have a week-long events from Sep 14th to Sep 20th 2019 in New York including a runway fashion show, top hairstylists hair techniques & fashion trend forum, and a special product promotion for celebrities’ favorite Perfecting Oil Essence only during the month of NYFW. [Read More]

紐約曼哈頓全新型態沙龍: Hair Philosophy 開幕吸引大批人潮

June 1st, 2019

Hair Philosophy全新型態概念店,5/31升級登場: 流行髮型、時尚造型、彩妝、頭皮保養、臉部保養,一站式搞定! Hair Philosophy沙龍開幕那天活動有200人參加, 髮型時裝秀每款髮型各有特色,有望成為2019年髮型指標, 現場有60人體驗醫美級頭皮保養, 剪彩貴賓包括駐美投資貿易服務處主任孫良輔, 台灣商會會長江明信, 紐約台灣青商會會長林維洋, 美國超級名模生死鬥冠軍 Naima Mora等等。 Hair Philosophy 新店坐落在人文薈聚的蘇活區, 新店選址於獨立時尚設計師商圈內,並與曼哈頓downtown 知名藝術花園 Elizabeth Street Garden 及精品小博物館比鄰。 [Read More]