04/07/2011 6-8pm
Opening of a multimedia art exhibit of paintings, videos and sculpture on the legacy of the Korean War.
A multi-media exhibit that combines installation and performance art, documentary film, archival photographs, and oral histories to explore memories and legacies of the Korean War. Embodying life stories of ordinary Korean Americans who survived the war, the exhibit is a public space of remembering that breaks the silence about a tragic episode in U.S. and Korean history. Featured artists include Sukjong Hong, Deann Borshay Liem, Yul-san Liem, Yong Soon Min, Injoo Whang, Ji-Young Yooo.
NYU exhibition curated by Yul-san Liem. Project Director: Ramsay Liem.
Community cosponsor: Nodutdol for Korean Community Development.
Artists will be present.
Free and Open to the public.
Part of the [Unending] Korean War event at NYU.
41-51 East 11th Street
7th Floor Gallery
New York, NY 10003
To RSVP online: APA
For more info: http://www.unendingkoreanwar.org