Snow Flower and the Secret Fan is a 2011 film based on the novel Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by the Chinese-American author Lisa See. Directed by Wayne Wang, the film stars Gianna Jun, Li Bingbing, Archie Kao, Vivian Wu, and Hugh Jackman. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan is a 2005 novel by Lisa See set in nineteenth century China.
Rupert Murdoch personally arranged for the film to be released by Fox Searchlight Pictures, which opened the film in North America on July 15, 2011. The film was produced IDG China Media. The filming locations were Hengdian World Studios, Heng Dian, China, and Shanghai, China.
The movie begins in the 19th century in China, with two girls named Snow Flower (Jennifer Lim) and Lily (Christina Y. Jun) who bond together for eternity. They are isolated by their families and communicate by writing in a secret language. Then, in the present day of Shanghai, they struggle with the intimacy of their own childhood friendship. Then, they must understand the story such as ancestral connection, hidden from them in the folds of the antique white silk fan, or losing one.
Where to see SNOW FLOWER AND THE SECRET FAN in New York?
Angelika Film Center, New York, NY
Lincoln Plaza, New York, NY
AMC Emipre 25, New York, NY
First and 62nd Cinemas, New York, NY
UA E. 85th Street, New York, NY
Bronxville, Bronxville, NY
Cinema 100, Greenburgh, NY
Manhasset Tri, Manhasset, NY
Cinema Arts, Huntington, NY
Cobble Hill, Brooklyn, NY
Kew Gardens Cinemas, Kew Gardens, NY
Malverne Cinemas & Art Center, Malverne, NY
For more info: snowflowerandthesecretfan