As you may be aware a hurricane level storm is being predicted to strongly affect New York City this coming weekend. The entire New York City transit system has been ordered to start shutting down at noon on Saturday because of the threat of a massive, powerful Hurricane Irene.
Please be reminded of the following recommendations and precautions:
Monitor radio, television, and other media regarding the status of the storm and pay attention to any NYC Public Service and Emergency announcements and instructions.
Such storms can impact general services in the city including:
a. Shutdowns of Subways, and slowing of means of transportation.
b. Electricity Blackouts, either locally or city-wide.
c. Flooding, including water backing up from street storm drains into basements.
Please be reminded of some general “emergency” preparations:
a. Have drinking water and non-perishable food “in stock” in your home.
b. Have adequate medications and other items for personal needs on hand.
c. Have pet supplies on hand.
d. Have flashlights and batteries on hand.
e. Have a battery operated radio on hand.
f. Have a First Aid Kit and supplies on hand.
g. Be sure to have some cash on hand.
Be prepared for Possible Disruption to Electrical Service. If there is an Electrical outage:
a. The building’s water pumps will not work and water supply can be disrupted.
i. Fill your bathtub with water and have a pail on hand to flush a toilet.
ii. Have drinking water on hand.
b. Be reminded that the building’s elevators may not work in case of a power failure.
c. Refrigerators will not work. You may want to have ice on hand in the freezer that can then be used in case of a power failure.
d. Have cell phones charged. “Land Line” phones may not work, particularly those that are connected through computers or have separate electrical needs for messages or other features.
Other Recommendations – basement flooding and high winds:
a. As there could be flooding in the basement, items in your storage bin could get wet if they are not raised off the floor. It may be best to bring important papers to your apartment.
b. Terrace owners must be sure to secure all items on terraces in case of high winds.
c. In case of high winds and flying debris, you may want to keep clear of windows.
Do you know the difference between hurricane and typhoon? The difference between hurricane and typhoon is that tropical cyclones in the west Pacific are called Typhoons and those in the Atlantic and east Pacific Ocean are called Hurricanes. Typhoons are generally stronger than hurricanes. In general, both typhoons
Also, please check the map for NYC Evacuation Zones: