is proud to be featured on ETTV, a multi-faceted media company dedicated to serve the Chinese community worldwide. Operating under EBC (Eastern Broadcasting Co., Ltd.), and with its corporate headquarters located in Taipei, Taiwan, it has become the leader among all media company brands in Taiwan, acting as a public service paradigm of media outlets with its branded cable TV channels, and websites.
Launched at 8:00 PM on 8/8/08, AsianInNY has established itself as the premier social and cultural authority for Asians in New York City. AsianInNY maintains the highest standards in providing reliable online content and producing live offline events. AsianInNY seeks to inspire, educate, and connect the Asian community, using a versatile platform that engages our audience through online presence that showcases the best of New York City. The organization’s website and Facebook Fan Pages are updated daily with rich cultural mix of news, events, interviews, and more.
AsianInNY’s purpose is to help promote and support Asian artists, performers, businesses, and organizations to further their work and mission. The goal of AsianInNY is to be the conduit and facilitator for social and professional inter-connection in New York City. Also, AsianInNY is unique in that the founders personally understand how difficult it is to relocate to NYC and ‘survive’ so the website has provided all the information anyone needs when traveling to New York including International Housing, Airport Pick-up Service and Networking events.
「AsianInNY 亞洲人在紐約」組織:
成立於2008年,目的是為了幫助住在紐約或預計來紐約的亞洲人建立起一個交流網絡。紐約是個迷人的國際型大都市,也是時尚流行最前端的城市,我們 知道在紐約生活包含住宿, 交友, 旅遊,讀書, 實習或工作並不容易更不便宜,因此,我們希望能提供任何關於在紐約生活方面等協助! 我們經常舉辦各式各樣的活動,參加這些活動能幫助大家很快的融入當地的環境,且認識許多新朋友。我們的社群主要以亞洲人為主,但多數以英語交流, 不乏其他國家和美國當地的朋友,因此大家可以藉由這樣的機會,在紐約有多一項娛樂的選擇之外,能和許多不同文化的朋友做交流。最重要的是所有的活動資訊全是免費在我們的網站與大家分享!
東森電視的節目口碑和新聞公正性深受觀眾肯定,收視總點數、廣告營收與獲利成績均呈飛躍成長,為台灣衛星電視頻道家族的第一品牌。另外,東森還代理英國BBC World、法國TV5、德國DW、澳洲ABC公共電視、韓國阿里郎、新加坡Channel News Asia等六家境外頻道,在躍登世界舞台過程中,邁出成功的第一步。 透過節目版權分銷、國際頻道推廣、跨國同業結盟等方式,東森國際頻道陸續在歐、亞、美、澳等洲50多個國家落地播出,累積超過400萬海外收視戶。同時積極與法國TV5、德國DW、英國BBC、美國CNN以及中國大陸中央電視台和19個傳媒體集團合作,充分掌握全球新聞資訊,製作專業、深入、涵蓋全球觀點的新聞節目。