Use your Star Power! Who will win an opportunity to perform live at Club Nokia in September at Wu Bai‘s concert? Well, that’s up to you! Three out of the six popular Asian online artists have made it to the Final Round of Jam the Web 2012 Most Popular Asian Online Artist Contest! Now you get to decide who wins the Final Title!
Vote for your favorite artist and enter a drawing to win ipad® weekly. The contest and sweepstakes ends June 16th, so act now!
Jam the Web 2012 Most Popular Asian Online Artist Contest is generously sponsored by The Nielsen Company and presented by the East Coast of and West Coast of It’s the Asian Insanity wave and your vote can make the difference! Just like what Nielsen Company believes in: your opinions are important because YOU Matter.
Who Will Be "Jam the Web 2012" Most Popular Asian Online YouTube Artist?
- Artist 1: Ben Clement (60%, 811 Votes)
- Artist 2: Demi Kuo (21%, 284 Votes)
- Artist 3: Kevin Lien (19%, 265 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,332
Finalist Artist 1: Ben Clement. Ben loves music, people and basketball.
Finalist Artist 2: Demi Kuo. Demi just loves singing and playing guitar.
Finalist Artist 3: Kevin Lien. Kevin is a talented performing artist, producer and sound engineer.
What’s Next?
After you vote for your favorite artist, now enter the Jam the Web Sweepstakes directly at Nielsen Facebook Page ! Click LIKE and fill out a form. You will have a chance to win the new iPad®. Drawings are weekly. Good luck!!
人氣王網路之星票選活動已進入決賽! 六位知名網路歌手角逐亞裔網路歌手人氣王的頭銜,如今只有三位通過了殘酷的淘汰關卡而進入了決賽! 這最後關鍵性的兩週票選將選出一位人氣王並且與台灣搖滾天王伍佰同登Club Nokia演唱會舞台! 敬請各位踴躍的投票,支持你的網路歌手喔!
活動由 與 聯合主辦的 2012年亞裔網路之星網路票選活動是由The Nielsen Company榮譽贊助。
欲參加每週iPad® 抽獎活動,請在投完票後按下”Click Now To Win New iPad” 活動連結至 The Nielsen Company 抽獎活動Facebook網頁,按LIKE後,進入”Enter to Win!”並塡好您的基本資料即可參加抽獎並有機會成為Lucky Winner喔!!