We are happy to announce that we made it to the top five in the Brooklyn Battle of the Boroughs at WNYC’s Greene Space!!
There is a second round of voting that ends sunday. Just follow the simple instructions below and vote for The Hsu-nami!
What to do:
1. Text BK12 to 69866
2. Click “The Hsu-nami” at https://www.research.net/s/TZTCNRK
3. Repeat step two on your Laptop, Desktop, Smartphone (IPhone or Android), LAPTOP, and any Public Computer that you can use (work, school, library, etc.)
4. Also be sure to watch our performance at
Voting closes this Sunday, Feb. 10 at 11:59 ET. The winner will be announced Monday, Feb. 11 at 12pm ET.
Basically Vote on every piece of electronic smartware you have!!!
Share with friends & family!
We need your help!!!! Lets do this!!!!!
-The Hsu-nami