Event Details
27 June 2013 – 29 June 2013
8:00am – 6:00pm
Brooklyn Bridge Marriott
333 Adams Street
Brooklyn, NY
The 2013 conference will be an exciting one. Themed “Engage the World,” the conference will feature presentations on educational practice from those who are shaping the world; will have 50+ workshops with get hands-on pedagogical techniques for teachers, by teachers; and highlight students talking about the global innovation age — and the education they need. The conference offers intertwined strands that will help educators and their students better engage the future:
Deeper Learning — Help students learn how to learn and gain skills and knowledge an ever-changing world demands. Give them opportunities to apply critical thinking and decision-making skills to real-world issues and projects. Design learning experiences that allow students to work collaboratively and effectively with peers and experts around the world
Expanded Learning — Adopt a global learning framework and open a world of opportunities for youth engagements. See how afterschool and summer programs, internships, service learning projects, and other out-of-school time activities can bolster academic success.
A Digital World — Integrate technology and media to create a truly global learning environment, right in your own classroom.
Take Action — Inspire students to create their own future through real-world projects. Globally competent students are change makers — they are not bystanders. They’re keenly able to recognize opportunities and problems and have the capacity to act on and defend their beliefs. A well-rounded global education not only opens student’s eyes, but also sets the stage for them to act in ways that are inspired by their course of study and driven by a desire to make a difference locally, regionally, and globally.
All sessions provide practical ways for educators and school leaders to work collaboratively to connect achieving global competence to the Common Core Standards.