Taiwan’s popular Youth Trekkers Wanted Campaign is back again! We’re inviting all international youth backpackers to get creative and make Taiwan their own with a custom-made Taiwan trek. Let’s be friends!
Sponsor: Youth Development Administration (YDA), Ministry of Education, Taiwan (ROC)
Dates: Taiwan trek proposals will be accepted until 12 midnight (24:00) Taiwan time on July 14, 2013.
How to participate:
The 6th Youth Trekkers Wanted Campaign is open to all international youth 18~30 years of age (in other words, we’ll accept submissions from applicants born on or after January 1st, 1983 and on or before December 31st, 1995)
Go to the activity’s official webpage (http://youthtravel.tw/youthtrekker) to fill out the official application. Each entrant should submit with their application a uniquely themed, 10-day (or longer) Taiwan trek itinerary proposal that reflects the energy and spirit of youth backpacking.
Each entrant proposal should include the following: (within 10 pages)
Basic personal data (including a photograph): Itinerary proposals must be submitted in one of the following languages: Chinese, English, Japanese or Korean. The proposed Taiwan trek itinerary must be at least 10 consecutive days in length.
Planning Document, please describe: motivation for participation, club activity and/or travel experiences, and the theme and unique character of your proposed Taiwan trek itinerary;
How you plan to share your Taiwan travel experience and promote the Youth Trekkers Wanted Campaign.
Other: Feel free to submit examples of prior personal travel materials and travelogues (e.g., videos, photos, blog posts, sketches / artwork). Please provide submissions in this category as online links for convenient selection committee reference.
Selection process
The selection committee will select the 20 best Taiwan trek itinerary proposal entries. These winning entries will be eligible to receive sponsor-issued cash incentive awards. Winners must use their awards to make their Taiwan Trek dreams come true.
Entry selection and evaluation
The selection committee appointed by the sponsor shall review all entries and award a score for each based on the following criteria: Creativity (35%); Application Completeness & Implement ability (35%); Impact & Promotion Potential (30%).
Winning entry results:
Winning entries in the 6th Youth Trekkers Wanted Campaign will be posted before July 31st, 2013.
The 20 winners will earn cash incentive awards of either US$2,000 or US$3,000. Award amount category eligibility will be determined by each winner’s nationality as follows:
Winners from Northeast and Southeast Asia shall receive a Taiwan Trek award of US$2,000. These countries / territories include Mainland China, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, the Philippines, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, and Timor-Leste.
For details, please visit: http://youthtravel.tw/youthtrekker/
Winners from other areas, including Europe, the Americas, Africa, Oceania, and other parts of Asia shall receive a Taiwan Trek award of US$3,000.
This award may be used to cover roundtrip airfare to Taiwan, domestic ground transportation in Taiwan, room & board, and appropriate travel insurance.