Thursday, December 5, 2013 – Friday, December 20, 2013
On Facebook
With the holiday season, what’s your plan for Christmas? What gifts do you want to have this year?
Hyundai USA Chinese is thankful for our fans long time support, thank you all for always participate in our events passionately and be our best companions. We will striving for providing you the most updated information and all of our interesting campaigns.
To thank you for the support, we are giving away gifts every day from Dec 5th until Dec 20th for a total of 12 days! Check our facebook to know how to win the items daily:
現代汽車 回饋粉絲活動來囉!北美現代汽車聖誕瘋狂12天, 天天好禮大放送! 活動從12/5開始於我們的活動頁面, 至12/20日止
天天參加我們的有獎徵答, 天天抽, 天天送喔! 更多詳情, 詳細參加辦法請查詢北美現代汽車華人臉書俱樂部: