海爾分體式空調系統採用先進的直流變頻技術、有效節省能源,通過精心設計、測試匹配的室內/外分體機組,以及智能導風、自動風速調節、自動除濕、夜間睡眠、24小時定時、室內靜音、負離子殺菌/三合一濾網、遙控室溫等功能,讓用戶享受舒適健康的室內空氣環境。另提供 各式機種選購安裝,強勁製冷/製熱啟動模式快速溫度調節即使夏天冬日均可使用。
海爾無管分體式空調系統由9000 BTU至36000 BTU不同大小機組,節能效比13至20。分體單機系列Easy, Forward和Novel機型;多區域機組分有2-1、3-1、4-1套裝,並有不同匹數大小組合,滿足家居房間多寡需求作靈活選配。
海爾節能無管分體式冷暖空調系統在紐約地區自4月19日至6月18日期間舉行推廣促銷活動,凡選購海爾分體式冷暖空調套裝即可獲優惠特價折扣$100,歡迎僑胞逕向以下經銷商﹕美國分體空調(973)276-0970、四季冷暖(347)248-1090、紐約家電(888)901-6888、幸福之家(718)888-9944洽詢。在這期間還可親臨法拉盛香港超市、昌發超市、新世界商城美食廣場的海爾分體空調展銷攤位參觀,現場海爾品牌大使介紹海爾空調系統及優惠,並參加幸運抽獎有機會獲得海爾50吋電視一台。更多信息: www.Haier.com。
Haier, a global leader in residential air conditioning, presents a line of ductless split air conditioners that offer energy efficient performance, quiet operation and a stylish appearance. It’s “Zoning Capability” allows you to control the comfort in your individual room without wasting energy in rooms not in need or in other unoccupied spaces in your house. Haier ductless split AC systems offer a practical solution for residential rooms and home renovations, offices, light commercial areas, and just about any type of building or area where there is no existing ductwork without adding extra expenses for the ductwork.
All Haier ductless split systems are tested to AHRI standards and have ETL certification. The total system, comprised of an engineered matched indoor and outdoor units, ensures a comfortable room setting without having to give up quiet, your view of the outside and wasted energy dollars. Haier standard features start with an advanced DC inverter technology that saves your energy; comfort management systems that display the room and set temperature; and innovative filtration that help provide a healthy indoor air environment.
Haier’s ductless split air conditioner systems range in sizes from 9000 BTU to 36000 BTU and SEER levels from 13 to 20. There are three series of products available for single zone systems: Easy, Forward and Novel, and three for Multi-zone: Duo, Trio and Quatro. The multi-zone product line, 2-to-1, 3-to-1 and 4-to-1, also comes in various BTU combinations, providing flexibility for your need. These options allow you to zone the comfort you want in your home or building. In addition, Haier offers packaged terminal AC and Through-the-Wall AC for special applications.
From April 19th til June 18th for a 2 month duration, there is a special Haier Ductless Split AC promotion to introduce Haier ductless split AC systems, features and benefits, and distributor contacts to get Haier systems installed for a comfortable summer season this year and many years to come. During the promotions Haier also offers discount coupons with area participating Haier distributors and Sweepstakes for a chance to win a 50” TV per month. For more, visit www.Haier.com