May 17th Saturday 6pm-10pm (Door opens at 5:30pm)
Santos Party House
96 Lafayette Street, New York, New York 10013
To build off of the success from previous years, Passport to Taiwan, TKNY & will present the 3rd Annual “Hello Taiwan Tour” in conjunction with Taiwan Week in the month of May, the Asian Pacific American Heritage month.
We will showcase three famous bands from Taiwan including “OVDS”, “Sun of Morning” and “RED & DJ Code” with another three popular US bands, “The Hsu-nami”, “Yuhan Su” and “Uzuhi” for a rare opportunity for the fans to experience the different music genres for one night only in New York City.
All six bands will bring the Taiwan flavor to rock the NYC night and to help celebrate Taiwanese and Taiwanese Americans heritage.
Advance tickets are $10 only and $15 at the door. The 100 people who purchase the tickets will be receiving free gifts! Do NOT MISS IT! (Advanced tickets are now closed.)
基於過去幾年成功的經驗,Passport to Taiwan (台灣巡禮), TKNY (紐約台客)和 (亞洲人在紐約) 將攜手在五月的台美傳統週及亞太裔傳統月的同時推出第三屆 “喂!台灣” 巡迴演唱會。
這次我們邀請到晨曦光廊 “Sun Of Morning” (連續兩年大港開唱CD販售最快銷售紀錄), “OVDS” (日本富士電視台AISA Versus創作比賽月冠軍)、及紅樂團 “RED & DJ Code” (第四屆金音獎最佳電音單曲入圍)等三個來自台灣的知名樂團以及在三個在美國非常受到歡迎的樂團,包括 “The Hsu-nami” (2008年北京奧運會中作為中國籃球隊的入場音樂), 蘇郁涵 (24屆金曲獎「最佳演奏類專輯」以及「最佳作曲人」)以及日本流行搖滾樂團Uzuhi 同台演出!將帶給在紐約的粉絲朋友們體驗多樣音樂的夜晚!
六個樂團將在5月17日於Santos Party House (96 Lafayette Street, New York) 為紐約的夜晚帶來台灣風味的音樂, 一起慶祝台美傳統週及亞太裔傳統月。 預售票只有10美元,當天在活動現場是15美元。千萬不要錯過哦!
Bands Bio/ 樂團介紹:
Sun Of Morning/ 晨曦光廊 (連續兩年大港開唱CD販售最快銷售紀錄)
OVDS (日本富士電視台AISA Versus創作比賽月冠軍)
RED & DJ Code/ 紅樂團 (“第四屆金音獎”最佳電音單曲入圍)
Yuhan Su with Sayun Chang & Yu-Hao Chang(張幼欣 &張祐豪)/ 蘇郁涵 (24屆金曲獎「最佳演奏類專輯」以及「最佳作曲人」)
The Hsu-nami (2008年北京奧運會中作為中國籃球隊的入場音樂)
Uzuhi (日本流行摇滚樂隊經常與許多台灣樂隊演出)
More US tours:
5/17 New York City – Santos Party House
5/18 Washington DC – TAA Event
5/19 Asbury Park, New Jersey – Wonder Bar
5/21 Baltimore, Maryland – Club K
5/22 Philadelphia Pennsylvania – The Fire live house
5/23 Wilmington, Delaware – Mojo 13
5/24 Boston, Massachusetts – Midway
5/25 Union Square, New York – Passport to Taiwan