Various Locations in New York City
Founded by Lesley Townsend Duval in 2009, the Manhattan Cocktail Classic is part festival, part fête, part conference and part cocktail party. The annual celebration offers a myriad of events spread across five days and four boroughs, and a two-day trade conference to boot.
Recently the Manhattan Cocktail Classic has evolved into a fulltime production run by seasoned cocktail veterans, spirit industry experts and event professionals.
If you’re unfamiliar with the Classic and are looking to get your bearings, start by taking a spin through the FAQ. From there, you may want to peruse some of the fabulous news coverage, or (if you’re not so keen on reading) flip through some photos from last year’s festival. Or, if you’ve read plenty already and just want to find out how to get involved, head on over to the contact page to get the ball rolling.
For more information, please visit