04/12/2015 2:30pm – 4:00pm
Museum of Chinese in America
215 Centre Street New York, NY 10013
Amy Chin’s multi-generational family story – told through 12 graphic novel panels – is part of the exhibition Chinese American: Exclusion/Inclusion at the New-York Historical Society. Join us for a behind the scenes look at how Amy researched and uncovered her family’s century-old history in America.
Amy grew up in the Bronx where her family, like many others of that era, owned and operated Chinese laundries. For decades, Amy’s family carefully saved records, objects, and other personal artifacts of their immigration history. In piecing it together the exhibition, Amy also delved deeply into government archives and other repositories to reveal more secrets of the family’s past. Amy will talk about that research, the journey and some of the secrets she discovered along the way.
For more information, please visit