Sunday, June 21 3PM to 4PM
Tenri Cultural Institute
43A W.13th st. (bet. 5th and 6th Aves) New York, NY 10011
Through the performances of the Kabuki Dance, Shigure Saigyo, and the classical Sankyoku music, Kajimakura, Salon Series No. 52 will explore the life of asobime (play girl) and shirabyoshi (dancer/medieval entertainers, described as the profane, and yet who served a sacred role in Japanese history). Originally a Noh play adopted to a Kabuki dance, Shigure Saigyo surrounds an episode about a poet/monk, Saigyo, and a courtesan/ Boddhisatva, while Kajimakura is about the impermanence of entertainers’ lives.
For information and tickets: