Wednesday, December 16 06PM to 7:30 PM
Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
170 E 64th St, New York, NY 10065
The nuclear threat looms large over the South Asian continent.
India and Pakistan are neighbors in a state of constant tension that has flared into violent confrontation on a number of occasions over a 70-year history. Both are nuclear weapons states, and neither is a signatory to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the flagship global nuclear arms control agreement. Pakistan’s recent decision to develop “battlefield” or “tactical” (short-range) nuclear weapons ratchets up this tension further.
Carnegie Council Council Senior Fellow Dr. Jeffrey D. McCausland, whose curriculum vitae combines leadership in the U.S. military, the executive branch of government, and various academic posts, will offer an assessment of threats to the stability of the South Asia region and beyond.
Carnegie Council Senior Fellow David Speedie will moderate this event.
Free admission for students! Promo code: student15
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