Thursday, January 21 12pm to 6pm
Ouchi Gallery
170 Tillary Street, Suite 105, Brooklyn, NY 11201
“When one explores, one begins to see all possibilities. Continue to observe and do not give up the impossibility of seeing everything.”
Eiji Sato’s work deepens that which has been thought of as taken for granted. Born in 1967, as a child, when asked what he wanted to be when he became an adult, his uncomfortable answer was, “a rich man.” For Eiji, whatever he sees and whatever he feels, are all a result of his journeys in the world, testing the limits of his abilities, and encounters with nature and people. Throughout these journeys, he has seen different viewpoints, different perspectives, widening his field of view. Together with his colleagues, he cultivates perception and perspective by deeply delving into the meaning of various things using language.
Free admission! For more information visit: