Tuesday, February 16 12pm to 02pm
Asia Society
725 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10021
Join Asia Society for a special look at China today, and in particular the staggering changes in the Chinese economy and the power of the Chinese consumer.
Andrew Y. Wu, Greater China President of LVMH Group, is one of the most influential industry professionals for retail brands and distribution development in China and the region, and a leading authority on trends involving the Chinese consumer. Mr. Wu’s mainland Chinese background, his global business experience, and now decades of re-engagement in the China market working for influential international brands have given him unique insights on the changing nature of the Chinese consumer and the rapidly evolving Chinese economy. “When Andrew Wu talks about China, you want to listen,” said a guest at his recent appearance at the Asia Society Hong Kong Center. This promises to be an engaging insider’s look at one of the most dynamic and turbulent economies in the world today.
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