Check out a list of interesting events sent to us by nextNY.
Monday, March 22nd
6:15PM Entrepreneurs Roundtable 24
At our special 2nd year anniversary event, we are very privileged to have:
Albert Wenger, Partner, Union Square Ventures:
“Albert combines over 10 years of entrepreneurial experience with an in-depth technology background. As an entrepreneur, he has founded or co-founded five companies, including a management consulting firm (in Germany), a hosted data analytics company, a technology subsidiary for Telebanc (now E*Tradebank), an early stage investment firm, and most recently (with his wife), DailyLit, a service for reading books by email or RSS. Albert also served as the president of through the company’s sale to Yahoo.
Format: Introductions – Q&A – 5-minute pitches from 5 startups and 5-minute feedbacks from our speaker and the community
RSVP: (Use the waitlist)
6:30PM: Digital Media MBA March ’10 Happy Hour
Please join us again this month when we will be joined by Ben Lerer who is the co-founder of Thrillist, a leading daily email service that represents the evolution of both male lifestyle and local city guide content. If you want to hear about a true startup success story, please stop by and introduce yourself to this member of Inc. magazine’s “30 Under 30: America’s Coolest Young Entrepreneurs.”
Tuesday, March 23rd
6:30PM TV Publicity: Think Outside The Tube
Instead of in front of the box, we are more likely catch favorite shows on cell phones, iPods, and all manner of hand-held devices, making the competition for eyeballs all the more intense. How do publicists grab the attention of today’s focus-challenged viewers? And how can you get into the game?
Wednesday, March 24th
6:30PM nextNY Product Manager School @ NYU-Poly 160 Varick Incubator (Session #1)
– The first of five in depth, deep dive sessions on Product Management
– Two 30 min talks followed by 15-20 minutes of interactive Q&A from experienced professionals
RSVP and info on future sessions:
6:30PM Clickable Interesting Cafe: How Web 2.0 Forecasted Clean Technology, Featuring David Schatsky
Join us for an intense debate with David Schatsky, principal at Green Research and former president of JupiterResearch. With passion for the environment and a background in tech and policy, David recently embarked on a self-directed “masters program in green.” He found the forces that shaped the Internet also are hard at work in the energy world.
Thursday, March 25th…apparently organized by people who had no intention of coming into work on Friday
7PM Twestival NYC
It’s a big party with social media people for a good cause.
7PM Digital DUMBO #14 Sponsored by Invoke @ The Dumbo Loft
It’s a big party with social media people.
6:45PM User Interfaces for the Semantic Web, Social Search Space and the Factual API
One of these things is not like the other… One of these guys is doin’ his own thing.
The first 5 people to tweet out “I just got my “This Week in the NYC Innovation Community” events email from @ceonyc” will get a special pass to a True Ventures event on Tuesday night.