Event Date: 07/01/2010
Event Description: Help TCDC fly to Asia for their first tour … and win some great rewards! Project ends July 1st.
Check out the 3-minute video: http://kck.st/ddB4bC
About this project
Tze Chun Dance Company is raising funds to fly seven company members to perform at shows and festivals in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Guangdong in July 2010.
We’re a Brooklyn-based dance company and have been creating and performing original works in New York City for the past four years. This is our first international tour and a very important next step for our company. We’re being given a rare opportunity to show our work on an international scale and make friends with companies and presenters from all over the world!
HOW YOU CAN HELP: although production costs and many in-country expenses are covered by the presenters, we still need to get our company across the world first. Your donations will directly fund airfare and visa costs for five dancers, the choreographer, and the multi-media artist. This has been a tough year for government grants and foundation funding, and airlines have cut back on corporate sponsorship. With your help, we can make it to Asia and prove that grassroots support for the Arts can make a difference. In short: help us get off the ground (literally).
YOUR REWARDS: We are truly grateful for your support and to show our thanks we’ve lined up some amazing rewards, including: One-week memberships with unlimited classes at YogaWorks (a deal since classes are usually $22 each at these beautiful studios), hip T-shirts, autographed DVDs, Amala luxury organic skincare products, and more. PLUS- for ever $25 you donate, you get a ticket to our second annual Garden Party. Bring out your party dresses and seersucker suits for this wine and cheese soiree!
ABOUT THE TOUR: Starting off at the Beijing LDTX Theater we will perform a full-evening show that includes Parlour Games and the premiere of our new multi-media collaboration with Daniel Iglesia titled “Up and Up.” Then we’re off to the Shanghai World Expo, where we will be representing the US at the USA Pavilion. The Expo expects half a million visitors each day and offers an unparalleled amount of exposure for TCDC. It is an honor to perform in the Pavilion’s cultural programming, which includes American artists such as Herbie Hancock, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Ozomatli and the Philadelphia Orchestra. Once in Guangdong at the Guangdong Modern Dance Festival, we will be performing and hosting workshops as well as participating in workshops by other companies from around the world. In Hong Kong, we will be collaborating with the world-renowned Hong Kong New Music Ensemble to present a full-evening performance of dance and music. We will also be performing at Y-Space Theater in Hong Kong and teaching children through the non-profit Osage Art Foundation.