Hello Taiwan Presents: Easter Egg Hunt & Fundraiser!
Date: April 16th 2-4pm
Location: Quaker Meeting House
Address: 137-16 Northern Blvd, Flushing, NY 11354
2PM Door opens
2-2:30pm: Opening Remarks and Performance
2:30-3:30pm: Egg Hunt
3:30-3:50pm: Music by ShawTime Duo
- ShawTime Duo: Andy Shaw, a Taiwanese-American, always hoped his young son Jarvis would inherit his lifelong passion for music. In 2020 during COVID lockdown, Andy, in search of a new hobby, picked up the ukulele and played daily, teaching himself a wide range of songs. Jarvis would sit next to Andy and sing along enthusiastically, showcasing a remarkable memory for lyrics and interest in learning new songs. Quite naturally, the ShawTime Duo was born. Now 7 years old, Jarvis is in first grade and has started vocal training—and while life has largely returned to normal, the band is going strong. Both members pick songs to learn, resulting in unique, always upbeat interpretations of everything from Spongebob hits to Velvet Underground to modern pop. ShawTime Duo has performed over 20 live shows, including the Porch Stomp Festival on Governors Island. For more: @shawtimeduo
3:50-4:00pm: Event Closing & Gifts
At this Easter event, We partner with The American Red Cross to raise funds for Ukraine Humanitarian Relief and 2021 December Tornado Outbreak.
From the success of last Easter event, we would like to once again make “Hello Taiwan” a family event so kids are encouraged to join to understand the meaning of “giving” and help to support the great cause to raise money to help our communities.
Admission: $5 (Kids age 1 and above) and adults are free! Only 220 tickets, please register your child at Eventbrite first and pay on-site. Every paid ticket holder will receive one free t-shirt or a hat sponsored by New York Mets, beauty products from GoodMakerUSA, Wipes from VOESH, and one bottle of AMOY Hoisin Sauce. Participants will also receive free bubble teas sponsored by Coco Fresh Tea & Juice and all you have to do is to follow @HelloTaiwanWorld on Instagram or on Facebook. (Please be sure to bring your own Easter baskets or bags!)
Organizers: AsianInNY, New York Taiwan Center, TAANY and Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce of New York.Participating groups: North America Taiwanese Women’s Association of New York, Taiwanese American Association of Greater New York, Taiwanese American Council of Greater New York, Taiwanese American Professionals of New York, Formosan Association for Public Affairs Young Professionals Group, Federation of Taiwanese Student Associations in New York, NYC Taiwanese & Taiwanese Friends Network, Association of Taiwanese Alumni in Greater New York, Taiwanese Junior Chamber of Commerce of New York and Taiwan Center.
自2012年起,「喂台灣」活動已經募捐近15萬美元,幫助給需要的單位, 包括珊迪颶風Hurricane Sandy(紐約市消防局 FDNY,2012)、海燕颱風Typhoon Haiyan(菲律賓 Consulate General of the Philippines,2013)、家暴關懷(紐約勵馨基金會 Garden of Hope,2014)、 氣爆燙傷(台灣陽光基金會Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation,2015)、 2016為海地馬修颶風(Hurricane Matthew Haiti) 重建募款等、2017年波多黎各在颶風 (Hurricane Maria Puerto Rico) 來襲時造成非常大的損失,居民流離四散, 「喂台灣」也伸出援手募款幫助波多黎各的朋友。2018「喂!台灣」捐贈”颶風邁克 (Hurricane Michael)” 受害者和”麻疹和風疹計劃 (The Measles & Rubella Initiative)”,這是一項全球合作計劃,確保沒有兒童死於麻疹。2019年「喂!台灣」募款捐贈 (滾石基金會 The Rollstone Foundation),為特殊需求兒童 (也就是身心障礙兒) 在美國找到屬於他們的家。2019年萬聖節募款協助 (兩林基金會 Rainforest Foundation US), 2020年捐贈紅十字會 (響起警號 Sound the Alarm), 2021年募捐國際組織 (人類棲息地 Habitat for Humanity) 和美國紅十字會 (民間的英雄Heroes Among Us), 今年2022年「喂!台灣」和 「美國紅十字會」攜手,為(烏克蘭人道主義救濟 Ukraine Humanitarian Relief)和 (2021 年 12 月龍捲風侵襲 2021 December Tornado Outbreak Assistance)籌集募款。
大人的門票是免費、小孩(1 歲以上兒童)的門票都是5美元,門票包括復活節彩蛋活動, 一件由紐約大都會贊助的免費T恤或帽子, 還可以參觀貴格會會所, 並享受舞蹈歌唱和音樂現場表演, 在活動結束時,持票人將收到VOESH贊助的洗手液(or濕紙巾)和一瓶淘大海鮮醬。 參與者還將獲得由 Coco Fresh Tea & Juice 贊助的免費珍珠奶茶,您只需在 Instagram 或Facebook上關注 @HelloTaiwanWorld。(請記得準備復活節的籃子或袋子!)
Hello Taiwan (喂台灣) 是2010年由一群熱心台灣現代文化的人士在紐約所創立, 結合文化活動與社會關懷,舉辦慈善募款音樂會,鼓勵民眾向需要幫助的地區伸出援手。歡迎有興趣的民眾攜家帶眷出席4/16活動,並多加捐款展現愛心, 支票捐款請開給 Hello Taiwan,郵寄到38 William St., Amityville NY 11701。